Panchakarma Treatment in Coimbatore

Best Panchakarama Therpay Programs in Coimbatore

Panchakarma is a deep purificatory process gifted by our Acharyas. The word Panchakarma means five actions/ treatments.

Apart from the main treatments it includes some Purva karmas (preparatory procedures) and Paschat Karma’s (post-therapy care).

It is a highly individualized therapy to eliminate any such chronic disease from the root itself 

Navarakizhi treatment in Coimbatore

Book A Best Panchakarma Therapies in Coimbatore

Looking forbest Panchakarma Therapies in Coimbatore, book an appointment and get a free consultation with our physician.

Panchakarma Therapies in Ayurveda


Vamana is the purification therapy through the upper route- mouth. It is the elimination process of aggravated doshas from the body. It is done by inducing vomiting by making the patient to drink certain vamana dravyas such as milk, sugar cane juice or milk added with ghee and sugar etc according to the condition of the patient. Preparatory procedures will be done prior to this step. Post-treatment care also will be provided.


  • Clears the seats of kapha Dosha.
  • Lightness of the body
  • Clarify the sense organs
  • Improves the clarity of voice.
  • Mental equilibrium
  • Makes you feel Swastha.


  • Skin diseases
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Acid peptic disorders
  • Indigestion
  • Epilepsy
  • Depression etc

Navarakizhi is beneficial in conditions like rheumatism, joint pain, muscle wasting, and neurological disorders. Apart from all these benefits, Navarakizhi also helps in enhancing skin texture and is known for its anti-aging properties.

It is only beneficial if this treatment is performed by a trained Ayurvedic practitioner, at Avanika Ayurvedic our trained Ayurvedic practitioners are dedicated to providing you with the authentic Navarakizhi Ayurvedic treatment. Here are a few benefits that you can get from Navarakizhi Ayurvedic treatment:

  1. Muscle Strengthening.
  2. Pain Relief.
  3. Skin Health.
  4. Nervous System Support
  5. Weight Management.


Virechana is the purification therapy through the anal route by administrating medicines through oral route. It is one among the easiest purification therapies with lesser complications and maximum results. Medicines will be decided by the physician after the detailed examination of the patient.


  • Skin diseases
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Acid peptic disorders
  • Indigestion
  • Epilepsy
  • Depression etc


  • Skin problems
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Chronic infective diseases
  • Auto immune diseases etc


Nasyam is the purification therapy done by the administration of medicines through the nasal route. Mainly indicated in diseases of head and neck. It is considered as a rejuvenation therapy also. Because it will strengthen and boost up the power of our sense organs by regular follow ups. So it can be done by a perfectly healthy person also to protect or enhance the power of their sense organs.


  • Enhances the power of sense organs.
  • Promote hair growth and hair health.
  • Prevents pre mature graying
  • Helpful in certain head aches, neurological diseases, facial palsy and paralysis etc.


  • ENT diseases
  • Ophthalmic diseases
  • Neurological diseases of brain
  • Disorders of neck
  • Psychiatric disorders etc

Anuvasana vasthi

Aanuvasana vasthi is the unctous type of enema. Vasthi is the most important treatment in Ayurveda. Mainly indicated in vatha aggravated conditions such as neurological and musculo skeletal diseases.


In Anuvasana vasthi medicated oil or fat is used as vasthi dravya(medicine for enema). Medicine is allowed to retain inside the body for certain time. It has lesser complications. Dosage of medicine is ¼ of that of Niruha vasthi(Decoction enema). Acts as purification and curative at the same time. Can be administered in children and aged ones also.


  • Neurological diseases
  • GIT disorders
  • Infertility
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lumbar ivdp
  • Peripheral neuropathy etc

Asthapana Vasthi

Asthapana vasthi is the Decoction enema which is capable to eliminate all the aggravated doshas and diseases from the body. A perfect mix of the decoction of certain herbs (according to the condition) with some amount of fat or oil, honey, salt, and herbal paste is used as the enema medicine. It should be done under expert supervision to avoid the complications.


  • More potent.
  • Minimal complications when done proper.
  • Quick spreading and action.
  • Controls the aggravated Vatha Dosha.
  • Nourishing
  • Aphrodisiac


  • Neurological diseases
  • Musculo skeletal diseases
  • Genito urinary tract disorders
  • Infertility
  • IBS
  • GIT diseases

Asthapana Vasthi

Rakthamoksha/blood letting is considered as one among the panchakarma according to Acharya Susrutha. Because it is a purification therapy indicated in diseases caused by raktha dushti. And Rakthamoksha has both preventive and curative aspects also. Best results are observed in chronic skin diseases and ulcers and acne vulgaris and other rakthaja vikaras.


Raktha moksha (Blood letting) is done by using non-poisonous fresh water leach on the affected area. Which is very safe and painless procedure.


Mainly indicated in eczema and other skin diseases.

Panchakarma is a deep purificatory process gifted by our Acharyas. The word Panchakarma means five actions/ treatments. Apart from the main treatments it includes some purva karmas (preparatory procedures) and Paschat karma’s (post therapy care). It is a highly individualized therapy to eliminate any such chronic disease from the root itself .

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28A Bharathi Park 7th Cross, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore
+9142229 69555
+9189039 69555

Open All Days 7:00 AM -7:00 PM

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